MEET THE CREATORS – Stefan Zdravković @HUB8

Introducing Stefan Zdravković, an accomplished musician, karate champion, and Norwegian language teacher! Stefan is one of the top contenders for this year’s Eurovision contest in Serbia with his soulful and electrifying performances. Listen to his song “Cvet sa istoka” which already has more than a million views on youtube. But his talents do not stop there.
In addition to his music career, Stefan aka Princ, is a highly skilled karate practitioner, having earned a black belt and multiple titles, including national champion and Balkans vice champion. He is also a dedicated teacher of Norwegian language, sharing his passion for the Scandinavian country and its culture with students in Serbia.
On top of all this, Stefan is known for his infectious sense of humor and laid-back attitude, making him a joy to be around. And what better day to meet such a multi-talented individual than on a Tuesday? As they say, “Tuesdays are just Mondays in disguise,” but with Stefan around, any day is a good day for inspiration and creativity. Stay tuned to learn more about Stefan’s journey and what drives him to excel in so many different fields!

HUB8: Hello, can you give us a little introduction to who you are and what you do?  Where do you live? What do you love about it? 

Stefan Zdravković: Im Stefan, im 29 and I am a norwegian language teacher. I love helping people who want to live and work in Norway and showing them the way they need to go in order to make their lifes better. I currently live in Belgrade where I also have a music carreer. I am a singer and I enjoy sharing the emotions with people while being on the stage. I am also sport enthusiasist and former national champion in karate.

H8: What are you working on just now that you are most excited about doing?

SZ: Right now I am building a website for the norwegian language school ( and I am looking forward to see the final result and share it with all the people in need of such knowledge. Also, I am preparing for the national competiton for the Eurovision, so I sing and dance almost every day hoping for the best results.

H8: What has been your favorite moment on the project so far? What are you looking forward to the most in the future of the project?

SZ: I like the proccess of making any project, just the adrenalin I get while imagining the final result and still being into solving problems and coming up with some new ideas.

H8: How do you prefer to start your day?

SZ: I like starting my day by drinking water, having a good breakfast and doing some breathing excercises combined with the cold shower.

H8: What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend? Any story to share?

SZ: I just sing and dance. Oh, Netflix and chill as well.

H8: What’s your go-to productivity trick?

SZ: Cold shower.

H8: What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?

SZ: Be patient. From a lot of people.

H8: If you could share one piece of advice for those who are just starting to create?

Stefan Zdravković: Be brave enough to admit yourself what you is that one thing that you love doing, be persistant and patient with it, have faith and the result will be better than you imagined.

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