MEET THE CREATORS – Miloš Pavlović @HUB8

Welcome to another installment of our “Meet the Creators” blog series! Today, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Milos Pavlovic, a multi-talented individual who has carved out a unique path in both the technical and creative realms.
Milos, a graduate of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Electrical Engineering, specialized in Electric Power Systems. This academic background laid the foundation for his primary career path, where he delves into the intricacies of this field with utmost dedication and expertise.
But Milos’s story doesn’t end there. Beyond his technical pursuits, he has embraced his creative side as an influential figure on Instagram. Collaborating with renowned fashion, tech, lifestyle, and even vehicle brands such as Adidas, Renault, Cockta, and Exit Festival, Milos has effortlessly merged his love for photography and content creation with his innate sense of style.
What sets Milos apart is his ability to seamlessly navigate between these two worlds. As a dedicated father, he cherishes the moments that matter most, capturing the essence of fatherhood through his lens and sharing them with his audience, evoking a sense of warmth and emotion.
Join us as we dive into the inspiring journey with Milos Pavlovic, where we explore his remarkable balancing act between his technical expertise and his creative endeavors. Stay tuned for an engaging conversation that will leave you inspired and motivated to pursue your passions, no matter how diverse they may be!

HUB8: Hello, can you give us a little introduction to who you are and what you do?  Where do you live? What do you love about it?

Miloš Pavlović : Hello there, my name is Miloš and I am just a regular family guy who is using his 8 hours a day to work as a sales engineer for one German company. I live in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia and I love pretty much everything in our country, except our politics. The nature, people, food, climate and weather, my friends, nightlife, etc.

H8: What are you working on just now that you are most excited about doing?

MP: Since my regular job and side jobs are going great, I am working on a family right now! My wife and I have one beautiful 18 month-old-boy and we are expecting one more baby boy that will join us in a six months 🙂

H8: What has been your favorite moment on the project so far? What are you looking forward to the most in the future of the project?

MP: If we are talking about family, that is the most important life project a human being could possibly have. I am not looking that much into the future, I am concentrating to enjoy life day by day.

H8: How do you prefer to start your day?

MP: With a warm cup of tea in the living room, in peace and quiet. Alone with my thoughts.

H8: What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend? Any story to share?

MP: On the weekends, you would most likely find me playing football or hanging out with my friends during the nighttime. And during the day time, I am spending time with my parents, or the parents of my wife, preferably somewhere outside (if the weather is fine).

H8: What’s your go-to productivity trick?

MP: Don’t have one, I am productive only when I have a short deadline, so sometimes I fake the deadlines so I could work properly 🙂

H8: What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?

MP: It was six months ago, from Srđan. It goes: “If everything is going well, don’t consume your energy on the stuff that is not important, focus on the family, focus on the kids, and learn from them. Focus on yourself and everything will come where it is supposed to be. Don’t rush.”

H8: If you could share one piece of advice for those who are just starting to create?

Miloš Pavlović : If the only person who is believing in it is you, start working on it!

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