Tuesday seems to be the most undefined day of them all. The week has already started and there is still a lot to go until the end of the week. It’s not in the middle either. So it looks like everyone has abandoned poor old Tuesday these days.

On the other hand, such days leave us space to do something different. To finish things that we have postponed or to start something new.

Sometimes the best day to catch up with the friends during the busy week or to get back to your forgoten hobby comes naturally on tuesedays.

So it feels like we underestimate Tuesdays a bit even thou it is the day when most of us are getting back to what we really love and what matters to us the most. That’s why we want to start this blog exactly on Tuesday and celebrate it as a day of creators and anyone that has the same aspiration. To create something.

“Meet the Creators” is a blog series at HUB8 coworking Belgrade site, that will present us with numerous creators from our community in a form of short interviews every second and last Tuesday of the month. Maybe you already know some of them, or maybe you are about to meet some outstanding individuals that can inspire you to start creating something on your own.

“Meet the Creators” doesn’t know genres and categories just as the creative process needs to stay free from any form in order to be authentic, so here you can read about people from different industries, arts, sports, etc. One thing they all have in common for sure is creativity.

Every second and last Tuesday of the month you’ll get a chance to meet a new creator on our blog. If you or someone you know also have a story to share please feel free to reach out to us and we will be more than glad to tell your story to the rest of the community.

Lets give Tuesdays some love and let’s get inspired by the creators together.

You create something too? 
Feel free to share your story with us at office

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