Ivan Minic Meet The Creators HUB8 Coworking Belgrade

Welcome to the first “Meet the Creators” blog post and we hope you will find something inspiring among these pages. In the first post, we at HUB8 coworking Belgrade are proud to share the story of one of the biggest creators in the industry nowadays, Ivan Minić. This year he published the book “Ne baš jednostavan, ali veoma dobar čovek“ which echoed among the community very fast and became a sort of office library standard. His willingness to help and to be there for others is something that sends a strong message to everyone, and we are proud to have him as the first guest on our blog.

H8: Hello, can you give us a little introduction to who you are and what you do?  Where do you live? What do you love about it?  

Ivan Minić: My name is Ivan Minić, I was born and am living in Belgrade, and I have 20+ years of experience in mar-tech. I also own several SMEs, to spice things up a little bit – a burger joint called Burgos in Belgrade downtown, – craft food delivery service, AlfaPrevod – a translation agency, Digitalk – digital economy podcast and events, TurnKey a boutique marketing agency, and Simplicity a boutique full stack digital product studio.

H8: What are you working on just now that you are most excited about doing?

IM: I always work on several things at once. Some might say that this isn’t the way to go, and that you should focus, but in my opinion and experience, I work best when my mind has many different things to think about, and many different inputs to chew on and crunch. I do believe that working on different problems, especially complex ones, is the best way to build grey mass. So right now, I am working on preparing two large scale events (conferences) for the next year, working as a business development and marketing strategy consultant for several clients, running my businesses and so on.

H8:What has been your favorite moment on the project so far? What are you looking forward to the most in the future of the project?

IM: I am 37 now, and I stopped looking for confirmation long time ago. I focus more on working on projects that are really inline with my inner voice, which usually means that they are empowering people who have the courage to challenge the status quo. In my pretty long and intense career this kind of projects was always something I really enjoyed working on. In the past, project MojaFirma which was focused on educating and empowering entrepreneurs and those who are considering entering that realm, now I really enjoy recording Pojacalo, my weekly podcast for people who are not afraid to learn, try and grow, and in the future, some interesting projects are in the works, but it is too early to share.

H8: How do you prefer to start your day?

IM: Long shower and a quick breakfast after that, ideally all done before 9 AM.

H8: What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend? Any story to share?

IM: Usually, I would read, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, play basketball with friends, and always find time for a lunch or dinner with some of my closest people.

H8: What’s your go-to productivity trick?

IM: Good organisation – calendar, task-lists, project management tools. Zero inbox every evening + always suggesting people who contact me through other channels to send me an email with recap.

H8: What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?

IM: That I can do almost anything I focus on and follow through for long enough, and that I am very good the way I am, even though some people do not like me. From a friend of mine when I was about 20, still unsure if what I decided to do makes any sense.

H8: If you could share one piece of advice for those who are just starting to create?

Ivan Minić: Knowledge and skills are the only things no one can take away from you, and the only way you can stand out from the crowd in the long run.

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