MEET THE CREATORS – Marko Mudrinić @HUB8

It’s Tuesday, and as you may know, it’s time to meet another creator and read a new story. Today we have a chance to meet someone who has been creating internet stories for a long time, being one of the pioneers of tech media in Serbia, but also in the region. And as soon as we say, it becomes obvious that we are talking about Marko Mudrinić.

Marko works in many other fields as a consultant, showing a great amount of energy and discipline, and he works on lots of different projects with numerous brands. His news portal, Netokracija,  was acquired by Infobip, which established Marko as one of the youngest successful entrepreneurs in our community. We feel the most proud of the fact that Marko was a godfather of this blog series and also supported us with a lot of great advice when we needed it the most, so we use this opportunity to also say thanks to Marko. Enjoy the interview.

H8: Hello, can you give us a little introduction to who you are and what you do?  Where do you live? What do you love about it? 

Marko Mudrinić: Hi, my name is Marko and currently I’m working at Infobip as a Global Developer Content Expert. You may know me as a founder of, Serbia’s leading business-tech online magazine which was acquired by Infobip in 2022. Throught the years I’ve worked with numerous IT companies to further their local presence in the IT community, and to this day I still analyze and write different events surrounding our tech community. I currently live in Belgrade with my fiance but have been traveling a lot lately. Alghouth I was born in Belgrade, I do find it interesting that the city is evolving – for better of for worse. Serbia is finally getting the recognition as a global IT hub.

H8: What are you working on just now that you are most excited about doing?

MM: Currently I work on creating interesting and strategic content aimed at developers – both on Netokracija and at Infobip. Most of the days you can find me in the podcast studio where I host Serbias No1. podcadt for developers called Office Talks. The exciting part is being at the forefront of the news and being able to influence different trends.

H8: What has been your favorite moment on the project so far? What are you looking forward to the most in the future of the project?

MM: I’ve been in the news industry for more than a decade. Our “projcets” are oftentimes shortlived, as the community is always aimed at newest events. I do have to say that founding Netokracija and turning it into a profitable digital media company is something I’m most proud about – although it couldn’t be done without the right team by my side. Starting something and eventually making an exit – it’s definirely something special and unique, an accolade not a lot of founders in the region can claim.

H8: How do you prefer to start your day?

MM: I usually wake up around 7AM and the first thing I do is grab a fresh cup of coffee. I cannot imagine starting my day without the delicious brew. In the morning I’m usually in front of my laptop, checking emails and getting on top of the tasks our US colleagues have completed.

H8: What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend? Any story to share?

MM: Planning a ski trip or some other adventure. My goal is to spend more time in the nature, specifficaly in the mountains. I can improve on this goal, but I guess you have to start somewhere.

Marko Mudrinic Meet The Creators HUB8 Coworking Belgrade

H8: What’s your go-to productivity trick?

MM: Get up early and set the tone for the day. I’m most productive when I have a clear list in front of myself – today’s tasks and meetings. I like to say for myself that I’m actually quite lazy when it comes to certain things, hence why I’ve optimized and automated some of my work which helps me to stay productive and focued. Spoiler alert – in my line of work you can hardly be productive from 9-5, so sometimes you work when the inspiration strikes. The most important thing is that I’m on top of my tasks.

H8: What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?

MM: Make sure your taxes are in order. It dramatically improves the quality of your sleep.

H8: If you could share one piece of advice for those who are just starting to create?

Marko Mudrinić: Stay focused, don’t let other people’s wishes impede on your goals.

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